What a catch!

Nick Prater and his catch

Nick Prater's shirt reads "What A Catch!" Nick caught the largest fist at the Bluffton Cub Scout Fishing Derby, held on Saturday, June 12 at the Buckeye.

Nick caught a 6.5-pound, 24-inch-long carp with artificial bait on his Sponge Bob Square Pants fishing pole. From 9 a.m. to noon, 23 cub scouts, 3 boy scouts, 9 scout leaders and 29 other family members (siblings, parents and grandparents) had a fun morning of fishing.

The Bluffton Sportsmen's Club gave the scouts and their families fishing badges for the day's event.

Other winners were First Catch of the Day: a tie between Noah Adams and Casey McGuire; Longest Catch: sunfish at 7 inches, a tie between Ethan Rodabaugh and Kaden Reneker; and the Last Catch of the Day: a tie between Misha Groman and Brian Calvelege.