Several new features offered on The Icon
Icon viewers have noticed several changes to the Icon home page this week. The Icon staff is still working on these changes and by the first of January, a new and improved Icon will be serving viewers with much more coverage.
We'll explain these new home page features soon, but first here's information on our new community directory unveiled today (Dec. 25). Viewers who click "Ad Index" on the top bar on the home page now additional access to several community features.
The ad index lists all Icon advertisers and links their websites. In addition, the page lists Bluffton service organizations and Bluffton civic clubs. Where websites are available, the Icon will link them.
Churches, with addresses, phone numbers and websites are also listed.
A directory to Village of Bluffton personnel is also included, with the telephone number of the town hall listed and individual extension numbers.
Several pieces of this project are still being clarified. The Icon appreciates corrections on any of the community information listed.
One final piece to the index is a business card directory. It will enable any one to have a business card listed. This feature includes a nominal annual fee, which will be announced soon.
"Several viewers have asked us to create a directory with this information," said Fred Steiner of the Icon. "While we continue to improve it, we wanted to let Icon viewers be aware of its existence now."
Several additional new features will become part of The Icon's daily offerings in 2011. Stay tuned.