St. John's UCC celebrates Christian humor on May 1

St. John's United Church of Christ will observe Bright Sunday on May 1 (Holy humor Sunday), according to Rev. Carol Clements, pastor of the congregation.

"We at St. John's United Church of Christ, along with many other congregations around the world, recognize the important, but often overlooked, sacred gifts of laughter and joy," she said.

She continued: "Laughter is a gift that allows us to keep our hearts light - even at the most difficult of times. At a funeral, a funny story about the loved one can bring comfort to those grieving. During a worship service, the gospel can often be more effectively shared with humor and joy.

"Even in the midst of the observation of the crucifixion of Jesus, we know that life will have the last laugh over death. For centuries, in Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant countries, Easter Monday and "Bright Sunday" (the Sunday after Easter) were observed by the faithful as "days of joy and laughter" with parties and picnics to celebrate Jesus' resurrection.

"Parishioners and pastors played practical jokes on each other, drenched each other with water, sang, and danced. It was a time for clergy and people to tell jokes and to have fun.

"The custom of Easter Monday and Bright Sunday celebrations were rooted in the musings of early church theologians (like Augustine, Gregory of Nyssa, and John Chrysostom) that God played a practical joke on the devil by raising Jesus from the dead.

"And so the idea will continue on Sunday, May 1, during our worship service. The service will include special songs about joy (sometimes songs themselves are jokes), scriptures focused on laughter and joy, and a special time of telling jokes with your church family.

"So, bring your jokes or funny stories, family and friends, and your funny bone for this special service as we celebrate Holy Humor Sunday."

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