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Elizabeth Diller April BHS student of the month

Elizabeth Diller, senior, is the Bluffton High School April student of the month. Diller carries a 4.0 grade point average. She is a member of the high school Concert Choir, Show Choir, Band, Math Club, Drama Club, Renaissance Committee, National Honor Society and is an SOS tutor.

In addition, she is a member of the high school girls' tennis team and the summer Bluffton swim team. She has also performed in the District III honors choir. She has taken post-secondary classes at Bluffton University. Elizabeth is a member of the Grace Mennonite, Pandora, youth group.


She plans to attend Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind., and pursue a degree in pharmacy. Her parents are Gordon and Jodi Diller, 239 S. Main St., Bluffton.
