15 minutes with Alison King, Kathryn Luginbuhl and Kathy Dickson

Al, Kat, Kat 3

15 minutes with Kathryn Luginbuhl, Alison King and Kathy Dickson

Interview in front of Common Grounds - Mike Romey walked by and contributed, but we can't read our notes about what he said. In this interview Kathryn Luginbuhl is "Kat," Kathy Dickson is "Kat 2," and Alison is "Al." Al and Kat are sisters.

Icon: Kat, we understand you are on your way out of town.
Kat: I'm headed to Asheville, North Carolina.

Icon: Why?
Kat: I look at it as a one-year adventure with three college friends.

Icon: Do you have any money for this venture?
Kat: I have a nice bundle saved up. I plan on eating lots of lentils and beans.

Al: (breaking in) I've provided her with lots of pantry food.

Icon: Who did you sit beside in the first grade?
Kat: (pause to think). Jonathon Lewis. Mrs. Amstutz' room.

Icon: What was your favorite cafeteria item?
Kat: Square-cut pizza.

Icon: Do you recall if anyone threw up during first grade?
Kat: I sat across from someone who barfed up two hot dogs in the third grade.
Al: I threw up in the coat room in Mrs. Jacoby's class. I didn't know where to go, so I headed for the coat room.

Icon: Can you remember the car you took your driver's test in?
Kat: I think it was a Taurus. Yes, Granny Nelson's 1996 or 1992.
Al: It was our red 1988 Plymouth Horizon. We called it the Hori.
Kat 2: A 1991 Buick Century. I took it in Ashland and failed the first time. I drove down a four-lane street and was over in the middle lane.

Icon: How many cups of coffee do you drink in one day?
Al: Two to three. One in the morning. One in the afternoon. I add creamer. Kevin calls it "fattner."
Kat 2: One or two with a bit of cream - I guess it's fattner.
Kat: I'm a three cup drinker. Nothing in it. Just black.

Icon: Let's cut with the nice questions and get real. Reveal to viewers the worst prank that you'd care to reveal.
Kat: I think it was when I put leaves in a dorm room.

Icon: Was it a guy's room?
Kat: He deserved it. It was lots of leaves. Went up to the knees. In high school some friends and I removed a slush puppy display one night from (deleted) store.

Kat 2: I was part of a group who decorated a newly wed's apartment - Jen and Andy Lehman - I had the keys. Oh, a college class took all the Marbeck trays and...it was sort of strange because I went for an interview at Bluffton soon after...(deleted).

Icon: Al?
Al: That I care to share? On a number of times I helped TP the town.

(Here's where Mike Romey walked by with a cup of Common Grounds coffee.)

Icon: Who took you to the prom?

Kat: Jeff Yoder. I wore a red dress.
Al: Gosh, which year? Junior or senior? (long pause) I'm confident, yes, confident that I think it was Seth Weisenbarger. It was when we were seniors. We ate at the Old County Buffet in Lima and then walked around the mall all dressed up.
Kat 2: Casey Harrington. Three years. He and I are from Plymouth. He came to Bluffton. His sister was the bride who was married in the Shannon Theatre on St. Patrick's Day.

Icon: Tattoos?
Kat: None
Kat 2: Nope. I passed out when my ear was pierced.
Al: None. Dad always said the keep the art work off the body. We followed Dad's orders. Ben doesn't even have one.

Icon: If you could do anything outlandish with your hair what would you do?
Kat 2: Cut it very, very short.
Al: The moment I go grey, I'm dying it in wild colors.
Kat: It would be fun to bring back the "bowl cut."

Do you have any advice for men?
(Long pause)
Kat 2: It's okay to cry.
Al: Speedos are not attractive.
Kat: Girls don't like big cars.

Icon: If you were going to buy some stock today, what would it be?
Kat 2: Starbucks
Al: Apple computer
Kat: Google

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