Time to start thinking about your entry in the Nov. 26 Blaze parade

It's not quite Halloween, but the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce Blaze of Lights committee is hard at work planning this year's 25th annual event.

The committee extends two special invitations: one for parade entries and another for Blaze sponsors.


The committee extends an invitation to all area businesses, organizations, clubs and churches to consider entering a float or entry in the Blaze parade. Junior Weihrauch of Arlington, the parade coordinator, anticipates one of the largest Blaze parades ever this year.

So far over 40 units have registered and he anticipates 80 total units. The parade forms at The Centre parking lot at 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26. The parade starts at 5 p.m.

This year's route heads south on Main Street to East College. There it turns and disbands at the former Morey's coffee shop.

The top three floats will receive trophies. Judging will take place during the 4 p.m. lineup at The Centre. Winners will be announced from the judges' stands during the parade.

Groups wanting a parade entry form may open the printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story.

Persons with specific parade questions may contact Weihrauch at:

Junior Weihrauch
Parade Chairperson
20791 State Route 68
Arlington, OH 45814
1-419-365-5304 - Home number after 2 p.m.

Blaze sponsors

The committee invites businesses, individuals and organizations to consider a Blaze sponsorship. The sponsorships are used by the chamber to promote the Blaze and other chamber-related events during the year.

Sponsorship levels are available at:

o Bronze $150
o announced as a supporter from the Blaze stage on Nov. 26
o recognized in web advertising and on the chamber website

oRuby $300
All Bronze features plus:
o listed on maps given to hundreds of visitors to Bluffton
o listed in newspaper advertising
o qualify for one free advertisement in the chamber newsletter

o Silver $500
All Bronze and Ruby features plus:
o listed on flyers and posters
o listed in radio advertising

o Diamond $1,000
All Bronze, Ruby and Silver features plus:
o your organization identified in Shannon Theatre advertising

o Gold
All Bronze, Ruby, Silver and Diamond features plus:
o up to five persons from your organization may ride in the parade in a classic vehicle or convertible

The Blaze sponsorship pledge drive continues until Friday, Nov. 4. When a pledge is made the chamber will send the sponsor an invoice payable by Dec. 31.

A sponsorship form is also available in a printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story.

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