OHSAA Board of Directors Meeting Highlights - May 10

OHSAA Board of Directors Meeting Highlights - May 10

The Ohio High School Athletic Association Board of Directors met last Thursday morning in Columbus for its regularly scheduled May meeting. The following are highlights from the meeting. The complete set of meeting minutes will be posted at OHSAA.org.

- The Board approved the 2012-13 general sports regulations and the sport-by-sport regulations. Of note, the start date for football practice this fall is July 30 and all other fall sports begin practice on the first Monday in August, which is August 6.

In future years, however, the Board approved a proposal that the start date for practice in all fall sports other than football will be August 1 (unless August 1 is a Sunday, in which case all fall sports will begin practice on August 2). A decision on whether to modify the future start dates for football practice has not been finalized.

- The OHSAA's annual Seminar for Newly Appointed School and Athletic Administrators will be held on Tuesday, August 7 at the Doubletree Hotel Crosswoods/Worthington.

- Eleven member schools were recently penalized for committing infractions of OHSAA bylaws or sports regulations. The list of schools, along with their infractions and penalties, will be included in the meeting minutes, but media members may obtain the list in advance by contacting Tim Stried, OHSAA Director of Information Services, at [email protected].

- The Board was updated on several informational items from the OHSAA staff. Of note, the OHSAA staff met with the presidents of the various coaches associations on April 11, the OHSAA Diversity Committee met Feb. 2 and the OHSAA staff conducted 14 Athletic Discussion Meetings around the state to explain the referendum items currently being voted on by the membership. The voting period ends May 15 and the results are expected to be announced May 16, which includes the Revised Competitive Balance Proposal.

- The OHSAA has finished and posted the 2012-13 Eligibility Brochure to the eligibility page at OHSAA.org. Of note, the OHSAA will not print any copies of the brochure this year, but has sent the link to the membership so each school can print the appropriate number of copies.

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