Look who's one-half year old! Bluffton Icon's sister publication, The Ada Icon!

In mid-September, The Bluffton Icon's sister publication, The Ada Icon, will be six months old. We like to take a moment and share with viewers some of the interesting stats about we've experienced in our first six months with The Ada Icon.
If you've not yet checked it out go here: www.adaicon.com.
These are according to Google Analytics:
7,450 total visits to the site
3,474 individual viewers (some check in twice a day!)
20,322 pages visited
2.73 pages views per each visit
1:56 average time spent on The Icon on each visit
469 visitors to the site during the week of Aug. 5-11
(that's our highest weekly viewer count - we're really happy about this number!)
44 - The number of countries represented by Ada Icon viewers
47 - The number of states represented by Ada Icon viewers
(so far no visitors from Utah, Alaska or Hawaii)
5,923 visits to the site in Ohio, including (top 6 cities):
1,009 from Ada
853 from Bluffton
514 from Lima
461 from Kenton
389 from Columbus
322 from Findlay
211 - The number of Ohio villages and cities represented by Ada Icon viewers
Ranking of pages visited by Ada viewers on The Icon
1 - Home page
2 - Classified page
3 - News in Ada page
There's tons of more statistics. We'll share more with you soon. We appreciate the great response with experienced from Ada viewers in our first six months of providing you with daily news on the Internet.
With the combined Bluffton and Ada Icon, advertisers in both site realize up to 1,200 viewers per weekday.