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15 minutes with Mike Johnson, who's been a Hornet and Tornado but is now a Beaver

15 minutes with Mike Johnson
Interviewed by Derek Woods, Icon intern

Mike, what year are you at Bluffton University, where is your hometown and what position do you play on the Bluffton University football team?

I'm a senior linebacker, from Trenton, New Jersey. 

What's your major at Bluffton?
Business administration.

I understand you stayed on campus this past summer. What was your job?
I worked for Buildings and Grounds at the university on the paint crew.

When did you first begin to play football?
I started playing football in the 4th grade.

When was the first time you were really knocked out?
The first time I got hit hard was my junior year at Bluffton against Hanover when I dislocated my hand.

How many team mascots have you played football for?
The Hamilton Hornets, the TrentonTornadoes and the Bluffton Beavers.

Tell me about your best gave ever.
My best game ever was in high school against my rival school when I had 15 tackles, one interception, and one sack.

How many athletic letters do you have in football from Bluffton?
I'm a four-time letter winner.

How many seasons have you started at Bluffton?
One season as a starter.

What’s your regular weekly routine involving football?
Lifting on Mondays and Thursdays in the morning, film and running on Mondays, and practice Tuesday through Friday, games on Saturday during the season. Sunday is the only off day. In the off season we have lifting four days a week starting in January. In March starts spring practice to go along with off season lifting.

How did you decided to attend Bluffton?
 I decided to attend Bluffton based on the cost as well as how comfortable I felt with Head Coach Tyson Veidt on my visit to Bluffton.

How do you balance football and academics?
Getting done with school work comes first, then sports after.


Where would you like to be 10 years from now?Have a wife and kids with a good job to support my family.



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