MS support group meets in Bluffton Oct. 25

Serono, maker of the Multiple Sclerosis drug Rebif, hosted a meeting Friday evening
in the Bluffton, for persons in the area with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). A talk and power point program were presented.

The program was on changes in a person's life when they have relapsing MS,
the changes that  people can expect and different coping mechanisms.
Dr. Joseph LaMancusa of Findlay, was the guest speaker. Dr. LaMancusa is the neurologist for many in the Bluffton MS support group. He had been in practice in Las Vegas before coming to Findlay 10 1/2 years ago. He said he became interested in working with MS and Parkinson's patients because he was seeing so many persons with those neurological diseases.This part of the country has a higher incidence of Multiple Sclerosis than the rest of the country.


The Bluffton support group usually meets the second Wednesday of the month at the Bluffton town hall. Tracy Steele is the group leader. The meetings are open to anyone in the area with MS and members of  their family and caregivers. 

The next meeting is Oct. 25.


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