Four shuffleboard tournaments in Bluffton this summer

Bluffton's shuffleboard court will be busy this summer. Morris Groman of the local club provided The Icon with the schedule of tournaments. Those follow:

• May 30-31-June 1: Mildred and Clarence Brunn Doubles - open to any doubles team
• June 6-7-8: North American Singles - open to men and women, singles play
• July 11-12-13: Crowe Memorial Doubles - open to any doubles team
• Aug. 15-16-17: Bluffton Doubles - open to any doubles team

Groman said that this is the 19th year for the courts at the Buckeye. The club meets regularly throughout the summer for informal mixers on Mondays and Saturdays at 10 a.m., Thursdays at 5 p.m., and hosts several state and local tournaments during the season.

Groman reports that in 2010, three couples who shuffle in Bluffton tournaments competed in international tournaments in Germany. Two couples competed on the East USA team. The men won gold in the men's division, while their wives won the bronze. The third couple competed on the West USA team and each placed 8th on respective men and women's divisions.

In prior years other couples had competed in Japan, England, Austrialia and the United States. This included Jim and Mary Clayton of Findlay. Mary, whose last name at the time was Shafer, had been an assistant to Kate Little in women's athletics at Bluffton College.

Contact Ralph Peterson, president, at 419-365-5712 with any questions.