"Refuse to be a victim" program at Blanchard Valley Hospital Aug. 13

“Refuse To Be A Victim,” a nationally recognized crime prevention course to be held in Findlay on Tuesday, Aug. 13.

This course provides practical information geared toward awareness and avoidance of criminal attack.

The program of the National Rifle Association will be held from 5:30 – 9 p.m. in the Ruse Board room located on the second floor of the William E. Ruse building at Blanchard Valley Hospital, 1900 South Main St., Findlay.

Certified instructor, Stephen A. Smith will help seminar participants better understand criminal thinking and provide tips on maximizing home, automobile, telephone, technological, and personal security. Participants will learn unbiased information about carjacking prevention strategies; self-defense training options; and the use of devices such as pepper spray, mace and tasers.

This safety awareness message has been presented in all 50 states in the United States and abroad. This event is geared for all ages from young adults to seniors.

Smith is a NRA training counselor/instructor, and is certified pistol, rifle, shotgun and personal protection inside the home and outside the home. He is a chief range safety officer, Refuse to be a Victim instructor and vice-president of the Hancock County Conservation League.

Registration is needed to attend and cost is $20 per person. Contact Amy Jordan to register by calling 419-889-7434.

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