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Thursday deadline to enter Farmers' Market pumpkin pie contest

Attention pumpkin pie bakers. The Bluffton Farmers' Market annual pumpkin pie baking contest is Saturday, Sept. 28, at the market, according to Keith McClelland.

Thursday, Sept. 26, is the deadline for entering this year's contest. Contestants may call McClelland at 419-326-5185 to enter. There is a limit of one pie entered per family.

Three cash prizes will be awarded. First place is $100, second place $50 and third place $25. All proceeds go to the Bluffton Community Assistance Program food pantry. Last year's contest generated $600 for the food pantry.

Pies must be delivered to the McClelland booth at the farmers' market by 9 a.m. on Saturday. Judging starts at 9:30 a.m. A pie auction of all pies entered takes place following the judging. 

The Bluffton Farmers' Market isin the Citizens National Bank parking lot on South Main Street, Bluffton.

The contest is one of the events of this year's Bluffton's Fall Festival.


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