Activate Allen County seeking input on Active Transportation Plan

Activate Allen County is seeking community input on Allen County’s first Active Transportation Plan. 

The plan will be the first in Allen County to take into account the need to encourage increased physical activity when developing long-term transportation plans by making walking, bicycling and transit the easy, safe, attractive and convenient choice for everyday trips. 

A web survey has been designed to help better gauge what type of improvements the community desires. This survey should take about ten to fifteen minutes to complete. To access the survey please click on the following web link:

Paper versions of the survey may be obtained from Activate Allen County located in the YMCA Annex at 136 West St in Lima.  Completed paper surveys may be returned to the same location.

The web survey will close Sunday, Dec. 8, at 11 p.m.

In addition to the survey, the community is to provide specific hopes and concerns on an interactive public visioning map.  To access the visioning map please click on the following web link: 

More information on the Active Transportation Plan may be found on the Activate Allen County website’s Active Transportation Plan page: