Village will proceed with Garmatter and Kibler water main projects

Fall is here. Bluffton village crews are current sweeping leaves from curbs. According to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator, “The crew starts on one side of town and works its way to the other before starting the process again. With both residents and mother nature providing ample piles of leaves over the past week, it can easily take a number of days to make one pass through town.”

Mehaffie provided the leaf pick up progress and several other matters to council members on Monday, Nov. 3.


Other items include:

• The village received the notice To proceed from the Ohio Public Works Commission for both the Garmatter and Kibler Street Water Main Replacement projects. Beaverdam Contracting was awarded the bid for those projects. The company’s bid was $159,104.

• Council is accepting bids for agricultural use of the Stager well field. Bids will be received at the town hall, 154 N. Main St., until 11 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 21. The lease is for a five-year farm cash lease for agricultural use for the property known as the Stager Well Field Farm Land located at 809 S. Main St., between Main Street and the Norfolk and Southern Railroad.

It consists of approximately 15.83 tillable acres.  Copies of the lease may be obtained at the town hall. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

• The painting contractor on the village north water tower was able to get minor repairs completed and the majority of priming completed. If the weather does not permit the
completion of the painting this fall, the areas that were of concern have been protected prior to the winter weather and the project will be completed in the spring.

• Hydrant flushing is underway and should take at least another week to complete.