Bluffton string musicians have successful Saturday

Solo and Ensemble Adjudicated Event was held on Saturday, Jan. 17,  at Lima Senior High School. Congratulations to the following Bluffton students:

Class "A"
Mark Bixel - Violin Solo - Superior
Mark Bixel - Piano Solo - Superior

Class "B"
Isaac Andreas - Violin Solo - Superior
Tad Steiner - Viola Solo - Superior
String Quartet - Superior -  Mark Bixel, Sarah Siders, Emma Woodruff, Jack Neff

String Choir - Excellent - Mark Bixel, Sarah Siders, Kaleb Jefferson, Isaac Andreas, Lillian Burkholder, Emma Woodruff, Katie Frazier, Tad Steiner, Lacey McClain, Jack Neff, Katie Wright, Georgia Owen, Noah Woodruff.

Class "C"
Katie Frazier - Viola Solo Superior
Cello Duet - Superior - Katie Wright, Georgia Owen
Viola Trio - Superior - Emma Woodruff, Katie Frazier, Tad Steiner
String Quintet - Superior-  Isaac Andreas, Kaleb Jefferson, Tad Steiner, Katie Wright, Noah Woodruff.