All these events are FREE this month at BFR

The fourth week of BFR’s Keeping Active Wellness Campaign will include more free walking days, free fitness classes and recreation options and a special event for Healthy Heart Day. 

Aqua Zumba

The Aqua Zumba class will be offered free on Monday, Feb. 9, at 6 PM, and the evening session of All Star Workouts will be free on Thursday, Feb. 12, at 6 PM. Free walking days are scheduled for Friday Feb. 6, Sunday Feb. 8, Wednesday, Feb. 11, Saturday, Feb. 14 and Sunday, Feb. 15.


Family run/walk

A special family run/walk challenge is  Saturday, Feb. 7, from 8:30-10 AM. Family members are encouraged to walk or run 1 mile on the indoor track during their visit to BFR.

In celebration of Healthy Heart Month, community members are encouraged to stop by BFR on Saturday, Feb. 7 (8:30-10:30 AM) or Friday, Feb. 13 (5:30 AM-9 PM) and record how many laps they can walk. Studies show that walking at a brisk pace is an excellent method for improving cardio vascular strength.

Participants will register at the front desk and add their distance to the Healthy Heart Wall of Fame. This is a free event.  Extra activities are planned for Friday, Feb. 13, during the open playtime from 11 AM-noon.

Hopping games for kids

Children and their caregivers/parents will participate in running and hopping games plus use the parachute. Everyone is encouraged to wear Red on that day for our annual photo shoot (10:45AM) for the American Heart Association.

Healthy treat session

Parents can also learn more about healthy food choices that child will like during the morning session. Graduate interns from Bluffton University’s Dietetics program will be on hand with tasty treats, recipes and ideas.

Stability ball

Learning how to be more active is an important part of this year’s Keeping Active promotion. A session demonstrating exercises using the Stability Ball will be offered on Thursday, Feb. 5, from 7-7:30 PM. 

Trainer, Rechelle Bischoff will lead participants in learning new ways of building core strength with this home-friendly piece of equipment.  Youth (grades 5-high school) and parents are encouraged to attend the Athlete Stretching demonstration on Tueday, Feb. 10 from 8-8:30 PM. Studies show that proper stretching techniques combined with sport training can minimize injury.

Trainer, Rechelle Bischoff, will lead participants in exercises that isolate important leg and arm muscles.  Adults can also benefit from stretching; trainer, Keri McCoy will lead a session on Wednesday, Feb. 11, from 9:30-10 AM. McCoy will lead participants in stretches that can be done either on the floor on in a chair.

Several tournaments

Upcoming recreational options as part of BFR’s Keeping Active program include informal adult tournaments on Tuesday evenings.  A cornhole competition is planned for Feb. 10 (7-9 PM) and a 3v3 basketball event is planned for Tuesday, Feb. 17 (7-9PM).  Cost per team is $5 and teams must be registered by 6 PM on the night of the event.  Parents with children who need a chance to move are invited to an Activity session on Thursday Feb.12, from 4-4:30 PM. Kelly Honse will lead this free, drop-in program; children of all ages and their parents are welcome.

MyPlate Bingo Challenge

The MyPlate Bingo Challenge continues through Feb. 27.  Individuals and families are invited to pick up a card from BFR and try to accomplish as many of the Bingo items as possible. Prizes will be awarded to those who completely cover the card, or get multiple Bingos.

About Keeping Active

Keeping Active is a six-week health promotion offered as a community service by BFR Sports & Fitness. The calendar of events promotes exercise and healthy eating.  For more information about BFR’s programs, and fitness center memberships, contact the facility 419-358-4150 or visit the 215 Snider Road location.  The website includes information, as well.

Stories Posted This Week

Monday, February 17, 2025