Ministerial association holds poverty simulation April 11

What would it be like to live in poverty for one month?

The Bluffton Area Ministerial Association (BAMA) will host a poverty simulation from 9 a.m. till noon on Saturday, April 11, at Burcky Gym on the Bluffton University campus. Light refreshments will be served.

“We want to invite the local community to come out and experience a life that may be different from their own,” said Rev. Jeremy Mann, pastor at Emmanuel Church of Christ in Bluffton, and a member of BAMA. “This will help us all gain a better understanding for the realities faced by everyday people who are struggling to make ends meet.”

Participants will assume the roles of low income family members—from single parents to senior citizens trying to maintain their independence while on Social Security. Each family member must seek assistance from social services and other organizations during the course of four 15-minute “weeks.” Individuals, students, clubs, service organizations and family units are encouraged to participate.

“Many around us face the unseen stressors of trying to survive at or below the poverty level. This simulation will help us all realize their challenges and think about opportunities and ways we can help our neighbors,” said Mann.

For more information or to register, contact Mann at 419-358-1561. Please register by March 31.