April 19 spring meeting of Swiss society focus on dulcimers

The Swiss Community Historical Society's spring meeting is at 7 p.m., Sunday, April 19, at Maple Crest Patio Room. 

One of the program's focus is the dulcimer.

According to Wendy Chappell-Dick:" The mountain dulcimer is truly an American original, first made and played in the Appalachian region. But did you know there is a direct linkage of this instrument to the early German immigrants to Pennsylvania, including Mennonites?

More photos at bottom of story.

"The dulcimer is actually a descendant of a German folk instrument called a scheitholt, a member of the zither family. Come and learn more about this little known connection at the April 19 spring meeting.

There will be slides of scheitholts made and owned by German Mennonites dating to the early 1800s, as well as live music demonstrating several styles of dulcimer playing. Coffee and cookies will be provided.

175th anniversary plans

It has been 175 years since the first Mennonite church was built in the Pandora/Bluffton area. Four churches have grown from that beginning. On Aug. 30 plans are being made to celebrate “Swiss Mennonite 175,” as the congregations of St. John, Ebenezer, Grace and First Mennonite churches come together for a celebration and worship service with lectures, displays, hymns, and a traditional Swiss meal under a tent on the historic site of the first church.

The Swiss Community Historical Society is looking for new members to help preserve the Swiss heritage.

Descendants of the early Swiss pioneers in the Bluffton/Pandora area include people with the family names of Suter, Moser, Amstutz, Luginbuhl, Althaus, Burkholder, Bixel, Basinger, Diller, Gerber, Gratz, Geiger, Hilty, Hofstettler, Lugibill, Lehman, Locher, Moser, Niswander, Schumaker, Schneck, Sommer, Steiner, Welty, Zuercher, or Bucher.

Membership is $30 per year. Please send a message via our Facebook page, or write to: Swiss Community Historical Society
PO Box 5 
Bluffton, Ohio 45817