Darryl Nester named NCAA Division III Far Fellow

Bluffton University Faculty Athletic Representative Dr. Darryl Nester has been selected as a 2016 NCAA Division III FAR Fellow and will attend the FAR Fellows Institute.

Nester has been a mathematics professor at Bluffton for the past 24 years and the school’s Faculty Athletic Representative for the past four years.

The FAR Fellows Institute was launched in 2010 and aims to increase the effectiveness of Division III FARs at campus, conference and national levels.

Institute attendees will participate in a three-day professional development program at the NCAA national office in Indianapolis Friday, Oct. 14 to Sunday, Oct. 16.

The program provides a thorough examination of the best practices and issues surrounding the role and responsibility of the FAR.

"After serving as FAR for four years, I have learned a lot about what that position means at Bluffton—but nearly every time I speak with FARs from other institutions, I learn about new programs and activities that could expand the connection between academics and athletics,” said Nester. “I am looking forward to this opportunity to meet other FARs from across the country and share ideas with them."

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