ODOT officials offer recommendations to resolve Main-College intersection safety issues

Crosswalk safety at Main and College.

Nearly 20 interested Bluffton residents and village officials met in the town hall with three Ohio Department of Transportation representatives on Dec. 12. The meeting lasted nearly 90 minutes.


ODOT representatives included Kirk Slusher, District 1 deputy director, Matt Rosebrock, District 1 planning and engineering, and Rod Maas, District 1 planning and engineering.

The discussion focused on resolving safety issues resulting from the removal of the traffic signal at Main and College in downtown Bluffton. The traffic signal removal occurred following the completion of a Main Street streetscape program.

According to ODOT officials, the traffic signal was removed because a study showed that the amount of traffic there did not warrant a signal.

Despite that, anxiety from Bluffton residents concerning the intersection’s safety persisted after the traffic signal was removed. That concern resulted in the village request for recommendations from ODOT.

Paula Scott, Bluffton resident, spearheaded public attention concerning safety at the intersection.

At the meeting’s outset, Jamie Mehaffie, Bluffton village administrator, said that the village asked ODOT to look at the intersection and recommend additional safety options for pedestrians.

Mehaffie added that following the removal of the traffic signal the village eliminated parking near the intersection and added crosswalk markings.

Following his remarks, ODOT show portions of video taken from a camera posted at the intersection in October.

Slusher offered three options for the village to consider at the intersection:
• Paint in parking spaces from College to Grove (none are there presently)
• Install a yellow rapid flashing beacon (LED flashing light) and add bump outs.
• Eliminate the crosswalk on the south side of the intersection.

These suggestions, if implemented, would be the village’s responsibility.

The first two suggestion designs slow down vehicular traffic. The crosswalk elimination limits options for pedestrian crossing the street.

A suggestion from residents was to place a changeable speed message board at the intersection prior to school starting next fall.

Residents and village officials listed several additional concerns and frustrations over the traffic signal removal.

Mehaffie said that ODOT’s recommendations will go to the Bluffton council’s street and alley committee for discussion.

Traffic study video, 2016

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