Bluffton sophomores visit Apollo's 411Blast Friday

Bluffton High School sophomores will be among nearly 750 sophomores in Apollo Career Center’s 11-member district visiting Apollo during 411Blast, Friday, Jan. 27.

Bluffton sophomores will visit Apollo during two sessions: 9 to 9:58 a.m. and 10:02 to 11 a.m. Students will eat lunch at Apollor from noon to 12:35 p.m.
This day exposes students to career possibilities and paths that available to inhance their career or college success.

Students choose two programs of interest and then spend one-half day visiting those labs, meeting the instructors and participating in fun, interactive demos and activities.

This day provides students with more information to base their career decisions upon and gives them first-hand knowledge about the Career Center prior to enrollment which begins in February.

411Blast is the culmination of Apollo student services representatives presenting at the 11 associate schools to provide information about Apollo and 411Blast.

Students are then asked to completet a form for the interactive field trip, which can also be found on Apollo’s website.

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