Christopher Harnish top place finisher in university math contest

Sixty-five students from 17 high schools across the state recently took part in the 15th annual Bluffton University Mathematics Competition. During the one-hour competition, students completed a test consisting of short-answer questions covering a range of math topics through precalculus. Cash prizes were awarded to top finishers. 


Top finishers included:

1st place overall: Christopher Harnish, Bluffton High School 

2nd place overall: Benjamin Heck, Liberty Benton High School 

1st place junior: David Stirn, Shawnee High School

2nd place junior: Gabriel Ferraiuolo, Chippewa High School

1st place sophomore: Alotus Wei, Shawnee High School

1st place freshman: Ben Horstman, Ottoville High School

2nd place sophomore/freshman: Anna Kahle, Lima Central Catholic High School


Test scores of seniors considering attending Bluffton will also be used to award renewable scholarships of up to $1,000 per year. 

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