Bluffton 4H Cattle Club elects officers

By Hudson Phillips, club reporter

The Bluffton Cattle Club met for their second 4H meeting of the year on March 11, at the Richland Township House at 7 pm.  Officers were elected during this meeting.

The elected offices are:
President: Jason Althaus
Vice President: Brittany Goodman
Treasurer: Courtney Goodman
Reporter: Hudson Phillips
Health Reporters: Sophie Zeller Grace Myers
Safety Reporters: Landon Sehlhorst & Riley Herriman
Recreation Leaders: Branson Hilty & Seth Gladwell
Flag Leaders: KJ Hohenbrink & Austin Blue
Pop Tab Collectors: Xavier Navarro, Zoe Zeller & Greta Myers

The Club also appointed members to the following committees:

Community Service Committee:
Hudson Phillips
Landon Sehlhorst
Xavier Navarro
Jason Althaus
Sophie Zeller
Brittany Goodman
Riley Herriman

Fundraising Committee:
Brittany Goodman
Courtney Goodman
Seth Gladwell

Trip Committee:
Grace Myers
Austin Blue
Greta Myers
Sophie Zeller

Our second meeting  was pretty good. It was fun electing officers and committee members. The best thing of all was having fun and eating cookies!

The next meeting will be held at the Phillips' house on April 15th at 7:00pm.