This snowman is edible

Check the photos below in the various stages of creating a snowman cake -

Anyone can make a snowman. But can you make one that you can eat?

The answer is “yes.” Debra Stockford of The Frosting Studio in Bluffton demonstrated how it is accomplished last week at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center.

Her demonstration-talk was part of the Center’s Our Version of Adult Learning (OVAL) series. And, it was a tasty program.

After all, Stockford isn’t known as “the cake queen” for nothing.

And, after 30 years of cake decorating, she could probably do it blindfolded. “I’ve decorated hundreds and hundreds,” she said. “These include cakes for weddings, baby showers, holidays, first communion, birthdays and other special occasions.”

In several steps that made it appear so easy, she created a snowman cake that – well, take a look for yourself in these photos.

Stockford’s business, The Frosting Studio is in Tommy’s Plaza, 142 E. Jefferson St., Bluffton. To find out about her next decorating class email here or check her website:
[email protected]

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