MHCO Service Group chicken barbecue Sept. 26

Traditionally, the fourth Saturday in September is a time to get out and attend the Bluffton Fall Festival.

This year however, the Fall Festival has been suspended due to Coronavirus concerns.

So this means the Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio Home Service Group will not sell homemade food, or host a bake sale or auction at Mennonite Home this year.

In place of that, the Service Group will hold a Bubba C. BBQ chicken barbecue.

Proceeds will support the purchase of a new handicap accessible van to help elders attend area doctors’ appointments and family related trips that would not otherwise be possible. 

The current 2012 handicap accessible van is well used and needs to be replaced.

The Service Group has pledged $10,000 to help cover the cost. In many cases, medical transport is not covered by insurance, so by providing our own transportation it makes it more affordable for residents. This program is possible thanks to the many MHCO volunteer drivers. 

Tickets are $8 each and may be purchased through Sept. 20 from Service Group members of Emmanuel Church of Christ, English Lutheran, Ebenezer, First Mennonite, Grace, St John Mennonite, St John’s United Church of Christ, and St Mary’s Catholic Church.

For more information or to purchase a ticket email Val at [email protected] or call/text Ruth at 567-204-9232.

Meal curb side pickup will be Saturday, Sept. 26, from 4 – 6 p.m. at Bubba C. BBQ 158 N. Jackson St., Bluffton.

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Monday, February 17, 2025