Virtual Christmas celebration Dec. 6-11

Riley Creek United Methodist Church, 7102 Road M, Ottawa, will conduct a Virtual Christmas Celebration from Sunday, Dec. 6 through Friday, Dec. 11.

Since 1972, the church's annual Carol Sing traditionally has invited all in the community to hear scriptures and sing Christmas carols on the first Sunday in December.

But in this pandemic year, the Carol Sing will be held virtually in short segments at 6 p.m. beginning on Dec. 6 and extending over the next five nights.  The segments can be accessed on and YouTube/RileyCreekUMC. 

Pastor Marcella Ciccotelli and parishioners will present a total of six individual presentations that include a scripture reading and carol with lyrics and accompaniment so that viewers may sing along.

The presentations will air at 6 p.m. over six consecutive days. All segments will be archived at the YouTube location for viewing throughout the Christmas season.

Riley Creek United Methodist Church is located southeast of Ottawa and northwest of Pandora at 7102 County Road M, Ottawa, OH  45875, across from Ottawa National Lime & Stone Company. Sunday morning worship is at 11 a.m., although worship is currently suspended due to the pandemic.

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