30 degrees outside, but let's talk about the swimming pool

It's 30 degrees, or less, outside, but Bluffton council’s park and recreation committee has the swimming pool on its mind.

Committee members Ben Stahl and Mitch Kingsley presented several recommends to council, which were approved on Feb. 8. The recommendations came from a Feb. 3 committee meeting with Jennifer Wilson, pool manager.

Several actions involve establishing positions, wages and rates for the 2021 season. Those amounts are attached below this story. There will be no admission price increases in 2021.

Wilson said that the demands for pool rentals and lessons last year was more than the staff was able to handle.

She anticipates even higher demand this year, as other local pools may not open.

One of the discussion points was that some area pools are moving away from passes and toward offering only daily admissions.

Later this winter the village will advertise for 2021 pool staff openings. Watch the Icon for that announcement, plus pool open dates and special pool events.

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