Ride to Remember cinch sack invitation

The annual Bluffton Ride to Remember treats participating cyclists to a cinch sack full of goodies donated by Bluffton area businesses. In 2021, the items had an estimated value of $350.

How is that possible? Donors provide a variety of promotional items ranging from lip balm to coupons to snacks.

At the March 11 Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce meeting, steering committee member Jenny Pilarowski detailed how the items bring visiting ride participants back to Bluffton and Bluffton residents into businesses they haven’t visited before.

Pilarowski is inviting businesses and non-profit organizations to donate 225 promotional items. (Form attached.)

The cinch sacks will be distributed to riders at the July 16, 2022 Ride to Remember, which is the eighth annual event. The Ride to Remember raises funds for building additional bike and pedestrian pathways through the Village of Bluffton.

The Items are needed by Friday, July 8, 2022. They can be dropped off or Pilarowski will arrange for pickup.

To participate, mail the attached form to Jenny Pilarowski, 10410 Bixel Road, Bluffton OH, 45817. For more information, call 419-358-9797.

The Bluffton Ride to Remember is a program of the Bluffton Lions Foundation. Additional information will be posted on www.RidetoRemember.net and www.facebook.com/RidetoRememberBlufftonOH .

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