Summary of July 10 Bluffton council meeting
CORRECTION: The Jerry Szabo Trio will perform on July 22 and August 5; Bluffton University Homecoming is October 21.
Street closings approved for Jerry Szabo Trio, Street Party on Vine, Bluffton University Homecoming; job opening for cemetery sexton
By Paula Scott
The July 10 meeting of the Village of Bluffton Council was held at 7:00 p.m. on the third floor of Bluffton Town Hall, 154 N. Main. The full packet for the meeting is attached.
Mayor Richard Johnson conducted the meeting with all council members present. All motions were passed with two total abstentions and zero no votes.
The Budget presented by the Finance Committee was approved with committee chair David Steiner noting that this budget is submitted to the county auditors for planning purposes. He also noted that an equipment reserve will be increased to prepare for purchasing a new ladder truck for the Fire Department.
Council approved the following legislation.
- A refuse and recyclables collection ordinance; 2nd reading
- Three resolutions regarding participation in State Capital Improvement and/or local transportation improvement programs; 1st reading
- A resolution adopting the Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan; 1st reading by emergency.
The audience of five individuals did not make any public comments.
Village administrator Jesse Blackburn reported that village staff are busy with seasonal work. A pre-construction meeting for State Route 103 work will be held next week. In recent days non-compliant ADA sidewalk ramps were replaced along the route. In other locations on SR 103, wooden poles need to be pulled out so that pathway construction can begin.
On August 3, Allen County will hold a Bike and Pedestrian committee meeting at Bluffton Town Hall.
The Village tree commission requesting an executive session at the end of the meeting to discuss land purchase or sale.
Blackburn requested permission to advertise a job opening for cemetery sexton. Mayor Johnson requested that he reach out to employees first, then advertise to the public in about three weeks.
Johnson presented three requests for street closures, which were approved by council:
- Vine Street for a performance by the Jerry Szabo Trio on July 22 and August 5; 6:00 p.m. to midnight with food and drink including alcohol sales.
- Vine Street for a party hosted by Greenhorn on Aug 26; to include music, games, vendors, food, dancing from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Greenhorn owner Jonah Agner noted that this would be a repeat of last year, only with better weather. He invited Asst. Village Administrator Bryan Lloyd to return to the dunk tank.
- Bentley Rd for Bluffton University Homecoming on October 21 - 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Chief Jan Basinger reported that a $700 grant was received rather than the $7K requested for equipment. Responding to a question, he said that call volume for July was down “so far.”
Chief Jon Kinn commented that shopping for a pumper truck is an eye opening experience due to high prices. He asked for and received council’s okay to loan the currently unused personal fire gear in an extra small size to Spencerville while they have gear on order.
Outgoing cemetery sexton Bernadine “Bernie” Ludwig was thanked for her years of dedication to the job. She noted that it was a unique experience that taught her many counseling skills. Council president Jerry Cupples noted that the village cemetery is running out of lots and that additional land will need to be found somewhere, joking ”even if we have to use Village Park.” Ludwig replied, “shuffleboard after the funeral!”
The meeting went into executive session at 7:29 with no action expected.