All Bluffton Icon News

BHS Football Moms Meeting - Monday, Aug. 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall (basement) of Bluffton First United Methodist Church (dark brick church across the street from Bluffton Elementary School).

Women's Entrepreneurial Network (WEN) - open to women and men - will meet at 11:30 a.m., Monday, Aug. 15, in Jeanne's Kitchen, 112 Vine St., Bluffton.

Linda Everhardt-Kardux, president of the organization, said that the meeting is open to all business owners, sole proprietors, sales people, people thinking about starting a business and people looking for a career change.

"The network is all about helping each other's businesses grow through monthly meetings," she said.


Two days ago surprise lillies appeared in Bluffton, as if overnight. They actually come up during three or four day - we just don't notice them until they surprise us.

Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day.

Mennonite Memorial Home has cancelled this evening's ice cream social Concert on the Lawn with the Pantasia band from Findlay High School.

The rain of last night, which is continuing today, is the culprit, according to Julie Stratton.

Watch The Icon for a rescheduled date.

US Banker (also known as American Banker) magazine has listed Pandora Bancshares, Inc., the Pandora-based single-bank holding company of First National Bank of Pandora among the Top 200 community banks and thrifts in the United States with less than $2 billion of assets at Dec. 31, 2010.

Pandora ranked 186th nationally. First National Bank of Pandora is one of just 17 Ohio banks that made the annual Top 200 list published in the magazine's June 2011 edition.

2 pots of gold

Icon viewer Roger Hoffman photographed a double rainbow earlier this week following the Aug. 9 rainstorm.
