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A Multiple Sclerosis education seminar is planned for 6 p.m, Wednesday, Aug. 24, at The Centre, 601 N. Main St.

Dr. Bauer will present a discussion on "Gilenya (Fingolimod)." Persons interested in attending may RSVP at 800-973-0362. A light meal is planned.

"This is a great education opportunity to receive information about the new capsule Gilenya. Dr. Bauer has many patients who are on this new therapy," said Tracy Steele. "It is also have time to ask questions about your walk with MS or a family member's walk.

On July 26 Pandora village council passed the third reading of a resolution allowing annexation of the St. John Mennonite Church property into the village.

Minutes from the meeting follow:

The Pandora Village Council met in Regular Session on Tuesday,
July 26, 2011, at 7:00 PM at the Municipal Building with President of Council, Rick Fricke, presiding in the absence of Mayor, John Schlumbohm.

Members Present: Vance, Hall, Stall, Fricke
Members Absent: Painter, Blank

The meeting was opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

The fourth annual performation fundraiser for Bluffton Campus Life/YFC is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 13, at the Campus Life Building, 111 W. College Ave.

Entertainmen is provided by students of Krysti's Music Studio. Food will be served for breakfast and lunch.

The cost is a donation to YFC. To donate money to YFC/Campus Life, contact one of Krysti's Music Studio students, come to the event on Saturday, or call Krysti Schey at 419-233-5255.

Several drawing take place during the event. Persons may enter any of the following for every $10 donated.

Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs welcomes Jeff Compton, founder of Ottawa-based FluentPoint, as its new non-resident affiliate. Compton's company improves workplace learning through instructional design, course production and training distribution services, primarily e-learning courses.

FluentPoint also helps businesses enhance their PowerPoint presentations and marketing materials.

Christmas in August?

That's right. It's Christmas in August in downtown Bluffton. Here's one of the snowflakes that will brighten Main Street during December. Watch The Icon on Wednesday for details.


Pandora's Riley Creek Festival is Friday and Saturday, Aug. 12-13. Events on Friday include a car show, outdoor movie, food and carnival games.

Saturday's events include a 10 a.m. parade, breakfast and lunch, chicken barbecue, health fair, performers, punt, pass and kick contest for youth, a 3 p.m. auction an activities for children.

The festival schedule follows:

Friday, Aug. 12
