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Concerning the world's longest garage sale that took place this past weekend. (Lincoln Highway garage sale). Here's an interesting note from Gary Crafis of Beaverdam, reporting on the event:

Thanks again for listing our garage sale on the icon this past weekend. The past two years we have put up a map and asked the garage- salers where they live, and highlighted their town.

Senior high youth of First Mennonite Church are collecting ink and toner cartridges for recycling at Cartridge World during the 2011-12 school yar.

For each ink jet cartridge turned in the youth receive $1. For each toner cartridge turned in the youth receive $3. Cartridges may be placed in a blue and yellow box outside the church office.

The water's fine

Swim lessons continue this month at the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool. Here a swimmer in the 4-6 year-old class comes up after a jump in the pool.

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

A few weeks ago, Mr. Frog showed up in our backyard. He very quickly made himself at home in our goldfish pond. I wonder what the goldfish think of him.

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He sometimes hops out to sit at the edge of the pond, usually hiding among the leaves of the water plants. Of course, as soon as a human approaches, he plops back into the water.


Members of Joe Cremean's Bluffton sixth grade class 1961-62 school year (BHS class of 1968).

Front row from left, Martha Luginbuhl, Mary Jane Baker, Linda Augsburger, Anise Sponagle, Doris Hamman, Bill Hauenstein, Todd Gratz, Yvonne Agner, Linda Mericle.

Second row from left, Barbara Diller, Barbara Martz, Pat Benroth, Jim Heiks, Fred Steiner, Barbara Basinger, Joyce Reichenbach, Jerry Kloeppel, Larry Conrad, Carol Koontz.

The Bluffton Athletic Boosters have several August events planned prior to the beginning of the 2011-12 school year.

. Monday Aug. 8, Monthly Booster meeting 7 p.m. The meeting is held at the Bluffton High School

. Monday Aug. 8, Fall athlete pictures

. Thursday Aug. 11, 2011 Booster Drive
