All Bluffton Icon News

Made in Bluffton

You are looking at the manufacturer's label of a one-horse power engine created in Bluffton circa 1910. This antique in the window of The Black Lab.

The Icon spotted this pet lover plate in the Bluffton Hospital parking lot.

Everett Collier, Bluffton postmaster, asked The Icon to post a recent update involving first-class mailing prices. A printer-friendly list of current postal rates may be found on the attachment at the bottom of this story.

The Bluffton Sardines launch their 2011 swim season in June. The updated information on the team click here.

During home meets the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool will close at 4 p.m. Follow The Icon for meet results. This summer's schedule follows:

13 - Ada/Lost Creek
16 - Van Wert
20 - At Shawnee
23 - At Westside
27 - At Wapakoneta
30 - Sherwood

Beginning the end of June and throughout the month of July, Bluffton Public Library will showcase the talents of local authors through a book display.

As part of the Sesquicentennial, most of the books on display will be available for check-out. A number of non-circulating books will also be displayed and available for in-library browsing.

The local author book display, which includes over 35 titles, may be viewed during regular library hours: Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Note: Recently The Icon announced two new staff persons in the Bluffton office of Lutheran Social Services of Northwestern Ohio. Here is a brief history of the organization.

Lutheran Social Services of Northwestern Ohio's ministry began in response to a need for chaplaincy service identified in 1910 by the Fremont Local Conference of the American Lutheran Church.
