Bluffton's Fair Trade Town status may interest Icon viewers in the latest issue of Fair Trade Town Crier. It is an e-mail resource for Fair Trade organizers.
"O God Our Help in Ages Past, Our Hope for Years to Come," is the theme of the Bluffton community worship service, held in conjunction with the sesquicentennial celebration on Sunday, June 26, at 9 a.m. on the Bluffton Presbyterian Church lawn.
Through prayer and praise, Scripture readings, confession, and vignettes by representatives of the historic faith traditions in Bluffton, the community will be invited to give thanks for God's blessings of the past 150 years, even as we look forward to the future.
Its offices are in the Bluffton Entrepreneurial Center, 505 E. Jefferson St. Following the July session, classes begin next on Aug. 7. Drive Time Driving Instruction is an Icon advertiser.
Parents or guardians of children with disabilities in Bluffton Schools are asked to give input on the way the school district will spend Title VI-B Flow-Thru Funds during the 2011-2012 school year.
Parents should contact special education officer Timothy Closson at 419-358-7951.