All Bluffton Icon News

The message

Here's a thought to ponder, brought you to by the St. John's United Church of Christ message board.

Sometimes magnets on vehicles reveal more than license plates about vehicle owners. Here's a dog lover the Icon spotted at the hospital.

Laurel Neufeld Weaver, LISW, and Susan Flowers, LCDC 3, have recently joined the staff of the Bluffton office of Lutheran Social Services.

Both are accepting new clients at this time. Appointments may be made by calling 877-343-2187. The Bluffton office is located in English Lutheran Church, 111 Grove St.

Services available include:

From left Joyce Hostetler, Wanda Pannabecker, Libby Hostetler, Arlene Geiser, Joan Bauman and Fran Core with quilt.

In July, a woman with Bluffton connections, Julie Hostetler Graber, will travel to Kenya to share her teaching experience with the staff of the Mathare Menno Kids Academy.

The Academy is a nursery through eighth grade school located in Mathare, a poverty-stricken area of Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa.

Julie was born while her parents, Don and Joyce Hostetler of Bluffton, were serving as volunteers in neighboring Tanzania. She has developed a lasting interest in the children there. This will be her third visit to Africa as an adult.

Where in Bluffton?

If the "real world" is to the left and "Bluffton" is to the right? Where in the world is this sign? Click here for the answer.

Simon and Heather Chan

When you think of your childhood growing up in Bluffton, what stories stand out in your mind? Friends, teachers, school, etc.
