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Ever hear about the west Texas farmer who complained to his Congressman about Daylight Saving Time?

The farmer wanted Congress to repeal the Act because the extra hour of sunlight burnt his crops.

Then, there's an episode on Seinfeld about DST. Kramer always ignored changing his clocks. Somehow I'll have to find the episode. Maybe an Icon Seinfeld fanatic can send the story line. It was pretty good, and really didn't make any sense.

The Swiss Community Historical Society of Bluffton and Pandora invites the public to "50 Years of Preserving Local History" by Amos Schwartz, a historic preservationist from Berne, Ind.

The presentation is Sunday, March 13, at 2 p.m. in the Patio Room (lower level) of Maple Crest Senior Living Village on Augsburger Road.

Schwartz is the recipient of the Indiana Landmark Association 2008 Historic Preservationist of the Year award. He has 50 years of experience in restoring historical dwellings and barns, and has restored seven bridges in Ohio.

The Friends of the Bluffton Public Library group is accepting donations for a spring book sale to be held from April 9 to April 16 at 145 S. Main St., Bluffton.

Up to two boxes of material may be dropped off at the circulation desk during regular library hours: Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Material donations should not be placed in the drop box or left outside the building.

Watch the birdie

Connor Essinger, C-R third grader, created this bird in art class. It is one of countless art works on display this month at the Bluffton Public Library. Click for a video.

Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio will host several open houses of it Maple Crest and Mennonite Home duplexes in March. The first is Saturday, March 12, 10 a.m. to noon and 2-4 p.m.

"If this winter has been taxing on your health, well-being, or ability to maintain your home or property, come and learn about how the benefits of living within the MHCO community can enhance your life," said Julie Stratton, marketing director of MHCO.

Fill that yellow plastic bag with non-perishible food items. Place the bag on your front porch Saturday afternoon. You'll be doing the Boys Scouts a favor and will assist some Bluffton residents who are in need of food.

Boy Scout Troop 256 from Bluffton is participating in the national BSA event - Scouting for Food. Scouts delivered yellow plastic grocery bags to all houses in Bluffton and Beaverdam this past weekend.
