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Recipes and such

Kathy Bohn Kendrick, a 1974 BHS graduate, shared two of her favorite recipes. Kendrick now resides in Phoenix, AZ, with her husband, Kevin.


How do you define pleasure?

In her book, "Eat, Pray, Love," Elizabeth Gilbert talks about traveling to Italy to experience pleasure, a concept that she finds foreign. During her first few weeks in Rome, she struggles with coming to grips with what "pure pleasure" really is. Gilbert says that "pure pleasure is not my cultural paradigm," explaining that she grew up in a family of hard workers who were not given to idleness.


Game review: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

By Andr'e Swartley

Issue #10
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Developer: Bioware
Publisher: Lucasarts
Platform: Mac, PC, Xbox
Rating: T for Teen

It's difficult to explain to someone who didn't live through the 1980s just how quickly and completely Star Wars saturated our culture during that decade. All of my friends, male and female, had Star Wars action figures, lunch boxes, breakfast cereal, bed sheets, underpants, etc.


Heroes or mentors?

Every young child has his or her hero -- often a celebrity. That's okay...everyone needs a chance to dream. But at some point those heroes get moved to the back burner and a more realistic mentor/hero takes his or her place.


Game review: Resident Evil 5

By Andr'e Swartley

Issue #9
Resident Evil 5
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Platform: PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Rating: M for Mature


Joanne Niswander: Talk about it

By Joanne Niswander
As some of you know, my husband Dean passed away just after the first of the year. It wasn't unexpected. He had been in Mennonite Memorial Home for the past 15 months.

In addition to physical problems that kept him in a wheelchair, he had Alzheimer's disease. And that is what I want to talk about.

