By Tanya Pike

Last night, while finishing up the commercial cleaning account, we decided that pancakes and bacon sounded good for dinner. Sometimes we like breakfast at the end of the day. Mixes things up a little! A. asked if we had everything we needed and I did a quick rundown in my head. The only thing we were short on was maple syrup.

Wild men turned unlikely dads in Disney's "Old Dogs"
(The Freeman) Updated November 28, 2009 12:00 AM

By Tanya Pike
Gramma is dying. That's the news I got last night. Hospice is coming to help her through the final stages of her life. I imagine she has helped others - family, friends, countless farm animals and companions - through these same stages. Anyone who has lived as long as she has knows how it plays out.

Gramma has lived a good life. She taught me how to live too.

Right now, one of the things she's missing are her memories. I have some of them and I'm taking good care of them.

By Andr'e Swartley

Holiday Buyers' Guide to Video Games

Day 3: Xbox 360

Microsoft is the only manufacturer to have a single console on the market, but don't think for a second that they haven't made their games a priority. Below are three tremendously interesting and creative titles available on Xbox 360 for the holidays. First, though, let's recap the game genres (for more detailed explanations of each, please refer to Sunday's guide to Nintendo games).

By Andr'e Swartley

Holiday Buyers' Guide to Video Games

Day 3: Playstation

Sony is the only console manufacturer with three active platforms on the market, but with over 2,000 games available for the aging Playstation 2, picking three is practically impossible. This list will cover only the Playstation Portable (PSP) and Playstation 3. First, though, let's recap the game genres (for more detailed explanations of each, please refer to an earlier guide to Nintendo games).

By Andr'e Swartley

Holiday Buyers' Guide to Video Games

Day 2: PC Games

My earliest memory of playing video games at home is watching my brother play Space Invaders on our Texas Instruments TI-99 home computer. I was born in 1979 and the TI-99 was released in 1981, so the timeline fits pretty well. At any rate, for the next 25 years or so, I played all of my games on PC.
