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The Deep Freeze and 7-Layer Cookies

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

From blog at

One day long ago, when my brothers and I were young, my parents purchased a large deep freeze.


Bruno's Liquid Alarm Clock

By Philip A. Murphy

A friend and I developed this recipe a few years before Kim and Pete Suter opened Common Grounds.

It was too expensive to drive to Findlay every time we wanted a coffee drink, so we started looking through the kitchen cupboards and experimenting.
The ratios changed from time to time, but this was the mixture that worked the best.

"Bruno's Liquid Alarm Clock"
Instant Iced Mocha Latte' -- Makes 1 gallon


A Thanksgiving story

By Tanya Pike

Her stomach growled loudly. She pressed her arms closer to try and hide the sounds. Since her father had given up his steady job and paycheck to start a new church that had no members and no money, the family had cut back drastically. Her new winter coat had come from the Dollar General store.

She sat on the school bus with her feet pushed violently under the seat in front of her. Maybe if she couldn't see the ugly tennis shoes that the popular kids had worn three years ago, no one else could either.

"Nice shoes, loser."


Joanne Niswander: On giving thanks

By Joanne Niswander
Most of us, by now, have made plans for where we will be on Thanksgiving Day and with whom we will celebrate. Many families will be getting together, and some of those without families nearby will plan to enjoy the day with friends. It's a day to renew relationships, share good food and watch football games. But it's also a day to celebrate our blessings. Here are a few different ones to think about:


Sweet and spicy chicken chili

This makes a sweet, spicy recipe that is great for suppers on a cold night.

1 large can diced tomatoes
1 can peaches with syrup
1 can pears with syrup
1 large can kidney/chili beans, not drained
3/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. vinegar
1 stalk celery
1 medium onion
1 medium green pepper
2 c. chicken (or 1 pound hamburger or ground turkey)
(May use canned chicken)
1 T. allspice
1 - 2 t. pepper (to taste)
1 T. chili powder (to taste)
1 t. salt
Tabasco (to taste)


Review: Final Fantasy VII

By Andr'e Swartley

Issue #4
Final Fantasy VII
Developer: Squaresoft
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America
Platform: Playstation 1, Playstation Network (PS3 & PSP)
Rating: T for Teen

Hironobu Sakaguchi and his team of developers at SquareSoft released Final Fantasy for the Famicom (Japanese counterpart to the Nintendo Entertainment System) in 1987.

