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Welcome Gary's Repair as The Icon's newest advertiser - where you'll find lots of "green" yard tools for under the Christmas tree

The Icon welcomes its newest advertiser - Gary's Repair, located at 2667 Road P, between Bluffton and Pandora.

Owned by Gary Augsburger, the store has several interesting Christmas specials for the person interested in "green" gifts. These include a wide selection of cordless yard tools.

The store telephone number is 419-384-7303. Click here for the website.


There's a story in this photo - and it's all part of a very small world

Here's an "it's a very small world" story, if there ever was one. Can any viewer identify what these two men have in common? The Icon spotted this conversation prior to Monday's all-elementary Christmas concert in the BHS gym.

Here's the story behind the photo:

On the left is George Denecker, father of Greg Denecker, Bluffton superintendent. He is talking with Dick Jordan of Bluffton.


Encore! One more selection from Sunday's "Messiah"

Encore! Icon viewers response to the Handel "Messiah" video was overwhelming. And, yes, we have one encore. We share this video of "Behold, the Lamb of God." This portion of Sunday's performance was the first number following the intermission.

Bluffton University presented its 116th performance of Handel's "Messiah" on Dec. 11, in Founders Hall. Dr. Mark J. Suderman, professor of music and director of choral activities at the university, conducted the oratorio for the 11th time at Bluffton, where he has taught since 2000.


Uncovering Bluffton's past - one marker at a time

Dennis Morrison took these photo on Dec. 10. The project involved members of the Bluffton Boy Scout troop 256 with their leaders, under the direction of Dick Boehr.

The project involved probing for and recovering cemetery markers in the Jefferson Street cemetery. Some of the markers have been buried since State Route 103 was constructed and are possibly under the street.


My memory of 70 years ago today - Dec. 7, 1941

By Charles Hilty
December 7, 2011 - Seventy years ago this afternoon my life changed.......just as it changed dramatically for every American.

Every Pearl Harbor Day I recall where I was and how I heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor. I can remember places and faces and even the things that were said.


What is it with Christmas lights that go ppppfffftttt?

What is it with Christmas lights? Every year, they work fine all through Christmas and are still shining brightly when I take them down and store them away for the next year.

But 11 months later, I pull them out of storage, plug them in and...nothing. Absolutely nothing. No lights. Not a single one on the string.


