By Eric Davis, Icon blogger
I have a deep interest in small towns. My parents grew up in a small town, I grew up in a small town and we currently live in a small town.
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2011 wasn't a good year for found money, at least in comparison to the last four years. Guess the tanked economy made people more careful about picking up coins when they dropped them on the street.
Ever since some friends admitted that they don't allow themselves to end their daily walk until they've found at least one penny, we've adhered to the same rule. Most of the time, it works out. Sometimes, we have to give up and come home empty-handed.
Sometime in 2012 an Icon viewer will "click" on The Icon - and it will register as click number one-half million.
That's correct. In 2011 The Bluffton Icon continued to rack up an impressive growth of total views and individual viewers, according to its owners Fred and Mary P. Steiner. During 2012 the Icon's total views will reach one-half million.
As of Dec. 31, The Icon has had 443,197 total views since it was launched in September 2009.
By Mary Pannabecker Steiner
A friend recently challenged everyone to admit what percentage of their 2011 resolutions they'd managed to meet. Problem was, I couldn't even remember what I might have resolved, so I had to backtrack through my blogs until I found my answer. I didn't make any. Well, technically, I didn't make any although there was a short list of resolutions I'd have made if I were a resolution maker. Oddly, I actually fulfilled a few of those non-resolutions.
Nostalgia is flowing over me in waves right now. As I write, my Grandma Suter is playing her favorite hymns on the piano. True, Grandma died in 1993, but thanks to a bit of foresight on my husband's part and a lot of technical work on the part of my oldest daughter, history is replaying itself on the CD player. For Christmas, Lindsay transferred all of our cassette recordings onto CDs. I'm grateful for the hours she spent doing this.