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Iconoclast View

Wait until you see what Wikipedia says about Bluffton, Ohio...and no, we didn't post it

Just for kicks, we checked Wikipedia to see what it said about the town where we live. Words cannot describe our shock at what we found.

The Icon has been accused of some pretty bizarre things over the past two years, but even we couldn't even dream up what you are about to read.

The following comes directly from Wikipedia, the internet's free encyclopedia. It's the third paragraph that's the laugher. We've placed it in italics for your enjoyment.


Bluffton celebrates Halloween, or where did all that candy go?

Either I'm getting older or the cast of characters is getting younger. I do know that the candy gets smaller and the price seems to follow the trend of oil by the barrel.

It really doesn't matter. After all, what other evening of the year does an owl call my name, a wizard stops by to add an interesting spell (maybe my hair will grow back), a lady bug actually prefers to stay in her stroller, and I get to eat candy without thinking of the consequences?

How did you spend Halloween?


Fred-in-Stein invites your visit to 226 Grove St. tonight; Your photo my end up on The Icon

By Fred-in-Stein (I can only use this byline once a year)

The Icon invites all Halloweeners to stop by 226 Grove Street tonight. We'll take your photo and maybe your video, that is, if you dress appropriately. You may even say hello to Ike the Iconoclast mascot, if he isn't chasing a squirrel. Perhaps you'd better not dress as a squirrel.

Expect us to ask you to identify yourself behind the mask. That way when we post your photo on The Icon we can identify you to the rest of the Icon viewers.


Today's assignment: decorate a pumpkin

Here's your assignment:

Decorate a pumpkin but use only supplies from the place where you work. Can you do it?

Mennonite Memorial Home employees did it. You'll soon see proof. The Activities Department of MMH gave each department a pumpkin to dress up and decorate using only supplies from their department (such as spaghetti for hair from the dietary department, pill cups from the nursing department).


Are your parents or grandparents on this list? Check it carefully

For anyone wanting to know the importance of the Triplett Corporation in Bluffton, simply look over the following list.

The list is reprinted from an April 1945 Triplett company newsletter. This list is also published in the book "A Good Place To Miss, Bluffton Stories - 1900-1975."

The book is released by The Icon and is on sale for $13.95 at Greg's Pharmacy, Bluffton Senior Citizens Center, Common Grounds, Book Reviews and the Bluffton University bookstore.


We are back!

Let the whining begin.

We (The Icon) didn't cause this mess. It was our individual database server. In non-technical terms, it crash landed and we went with it.

So did about 210 other sites hosted by the same server. That can only mean that there are 210 other messages being composed, at this moment, like this one, to their viewers.

Now it's back, but here's the asterisk: The last back up completed by our server company was two weeks ago.

