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Icon's new feature makes it easier to post a comment

If you've suddenly noticed more comments on The Icon it's because we've added a new commenting feature.

The new commenting system makes it easy for any user to comment on a story, or for other users to reply, like, or subscribe to comments via email. The new commenting system is a step forward in providing an easier and more enjoyable experience for our viewers.

Like the old system, viewers are able to post comments as a guest, in order to remain anonymous, but must enter an email address in order to prevent spam.


Here's my Bigfoot video, well, sort of

Every photographer in the world has one pseudo-Bigfoot video. Or hopes to. You will soon view mine. I'm talking about the classic Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film.

No matter how prepared you are to photograph on film a UFO, Bigfoot, or a big cat roaming freely across a wheat field when it actually belongs in the Rocky Mountains, you'll never photograph it perfectly.

Your film will be blurry, shaky, out of focus and way too short.


5.8 means very little to us Buckeyes

When the earth shook

5.8. It means very little to us Buckeyes.

Where were you at 1:54 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 23? Did you feel the east coast earthquake? If so, share your experience with Icon viewers.

Here's a photo from former Bluffton resident Von Hardesty, now of the Washington, D.C. area. This photo shows the quakes devastating affect on his back yard furniture.


Bluffton's flightly little feathered friends

For a time, The Icon considered the ruby-throated hummingbird as its mascot. These are fiesty little creatures and fun to watch.

It's taken several years to attract backyard hummingbirds at 226 Grove St. But the wait was worth it.

The birds are very territorial. That means when two males get together there are lots of aerial bombardments and chases through the yard. Although small, they make lots of chattering noise. Even Ike, the Icon dog, listens and watches the show.


Invasion of the ground cherries

Ripe ground cherries

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

About a month ago, I was inspecting my herb garden and noticed some little green plants that looked vaguely familiar. My fingers itched to yank them out because they WERE NOT HERBS and therefore, DID NOT BELONG.

For more columns by MPS click here.


Jerry Lewis McDonald's part of Lima's "The Big Day of Serving" Sept. 24 - and you can help

1 Day Service Day Returns To Lima,
More Than 500 Volunteers To Come To The Area

On Saturday, Sept. 24, several hundred volunteers from churches and communities throughout the region will come to Lima to revitalize a neighborhood in just eight hours.

The area being impacted is the neighborhood surrounding Liberty Arts Magnet School on Kibby Street. Volunteers will participate in up to 80 projects including painting, trimming, mulching, planting, cleaning city blocks and parking lots, doing home repairs and more.

