Middle-Aged Middle Schooler
By Elizabeth Nisly
I'm a middle-aged middle schooler
I've been here so long
I've done this 40 times
But I still do it wrong
I can't seem to get
This pre-algebra junk
So when the tests come around,
I do nothing but flunk
The teachers are sick
Of having me in their class
I've been here since I
Was a wee 12-year-old lass
Now going on 50
And still in grade eight
I think it's high time
That I graduate
Several positive things are happening through Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs this summer. The Center's current newsletter is attached to this story for further information.
Here's what's happening with BCE clients:
Superior Energy Solutions: Hired summer intern Steven Maag, an Electrical Engineering student from Ohio Northern University. SES is also taking applications for the new position of Energy Analyst.
Concerning the world's longest garage sale that took place this past weekend. (Lincoln Highway garage sale). Here's an interesting note from Gary Crafis of Beaverdam, reporting on the event:
Thanks again for listing our garage sale on the icon this past weekend. The past two years we have put up a map and asked the garage- salers where they live, and highlighted their town.
A few weeks ago, Mr. Frog showed up in our backyard. He very quickly made himself at home in our goldfish pond. I wonder what the goldfish think of him.
He sometimes hops out to sit at the edge of the pond, usually hiding among the leaves of the water plants. Of course, as soon as a human approaches, he plops back into the water.
Tonya Meyer, director of the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center, provides us with a minute-by-minute trip to Colorado taken by 40 area residents.
By Tonya Meyer
Bright-eyed and ready for adventure, 40 friends of Bluffton Senior Center boarded a Buckeye Charter bus the morning of July 20 heading for Chicago and parts West.
It was a sizzling hot day as Chicago greeted us with temps topping 100 degrees.
Some years ago when a certain college changed its name to a university, Mr. C apparently laid this one on two Ph. D. neighbors in the vicinity of Campus Drive-Campus View. He informed them that the former college-now-university had requested that the post office change the names of the two drives to something like "University Drive" and "University View."
After all, the university officially named the path leading to College Hall "University Drive." So, why not change Campus Drive and Campus View?