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Iconoclast View

Allow me to show you the oldest flower in my garden; what's in your's?

Tell us about the “oldest” flower in your garden.

Here’s mine, and while it’s a vintage plant, the details are hazy. I don’t even know its official name.

In my back yard is blooming a white iris that is very fickle. It blooms once every three years or so. There are also some blue irises in the mix. I’ve never seen the blue and the white bloom the same year. Perhaps they don’t like each other.


33.07 tons of refuse in the dumpsters

News flash:

During the May clean up the village reports 33.07 tons of refuse was collected over a two-week period at the Spring Street recycling center.

Using an estimated figure of 4,000 residents in Bluffton, how many pounds of crap was dumped per resident during spring clean up? First off, 33.07 tons is 72,906 pounds. The answer is 18.2 pounds.

This fact begs the question: Is every person in Bluffton – babe in arms to elder at Maple Crest –  collecting 18.2 pounds of junk each year, or slightly over 1.5 pounds per month?


Bluffton's vehicle ghosts - I remember the cars from the 1940s and '50s

Rudi Steiner, a 1961 Bluffton High School graduate, may well deserve a master’s degree in Bluffton automotive science 1945-1961. During this period he watched who drove what and sometimes, why. Here’s a summary of the Bluffton’s chrome and fin vehicle age from one who observed it first hand. This column is reprinted from "Bluffton, A Good Place to Miss."

By Rudi Steiner


Expand your reading horizon: Here's a summer book list to consider

The Icon invites you to consider a book reading list unlike most you've encountered. We invited our Bluffton University intern, Nnenna Onwukeme, to offer a reading list of African writers. Here's her list:


Bluffton Bambi chapter 2, or the adventures of a newborn fawn

Bluffton Bambi Chapter 2:

On Sunday the Icon posted a photo of a new-born fawn discovered in an unnamed Bluffton location, which was near a familiar neighborhood. In that story we revealed that Bambi was alone, and curled up in some greenery. 

We concluded that:

1 - Bambi was an orphan, or
2 - Bambi's mother left the fawn with plans to return later.


Iconclast view: Some thoughts about the state of village government


In our lifetime of observing events in Bluffton several things are clear. Topics that sell newspapers and get heavy hits on the Icon include:

• Fantastic girls’ basketball teams
• Floods
• Mystery beasts roaming the countryside
• Issues of controversy involving Bluffton village government

The ongoing discussion of Bluffton government deserves a comment.

1 – The town hall water flood was a fluke. Anyone who thinks it serves to cover up any village shenanigans needs to have his head examined.

