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Letter: An open letter to the Village of Bluffton

From Jamie Mehaffie

An Open Letter to the Village of Bluffton:

For the past 13 years, I have had the esteemed pleasure to serve the residents and businesses of the Village of Bluffton in the role as Village Administrator.

In that time, I had the great fortune of working with some incredibly dedicated public servants that take great pride in the quality services that they provide to this community. They truly are wonderful people that care about this community and I will forever cherish the time that I had with them and the good that we accomplished for the community.


Letter: Writer urges council to support resolution for bike route

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Imagine there was a way to encouraging tourists to travel directly through Bluffton, and having them go by our restaurants and services.  Tourists and travelers - whether they are daytrippers or coming from a long-distance - bring economic growth and vitality.  Who wouldn't encourage that kind of activity in the village we are so proud of, especially if it had the potential to benefit our community?


Letter: Stratton Auto Groups wishes Jim Kinn best of luck

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Now that it is publicly known that Jim Kinn will be retiring, all of us at Stratton Auto Sales and Bluffton Auto Repair Center would like to wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. We want to thank him for the year and a half that he has been with us in opening the new repair shop.

We look forward to working with the public as we remain open and operational.  Mr. Kinn has helped train the person that will be taking over the repair shop for him and we have all the confidence in the world in our new manager. 


Letter: Writer concerned about Ohio "heartbeat bill"

Dear Governor Kasich:

I understand you are considering the “heartbeat bill” which would ban abortions in the State of Ohio after 6-8 weeks, or when an embryo’s heartbeat can be detected.

I have learned that an embryo’s heartbeat can be heard only with ultrasound equipment or a fetal Doppler, both available from an obstetrician. A pregnant woman can use a stethoscope, but only much later (18-20 weeks) in a pregnancy.


Letter: Thanks to all involved in "Holly Follies"

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We want to thank everyone involved with the "Holly Follies." We would like to thank the people selling tickets at the door, the people backstage, all of the performers, Greg Denecker, custodians and especially the audience.

Everyone gave up family time to put this show together. It was a great success! Thanks again everyone.

The Holly Follies Committee,
Pat Rodabaugh
Jeanie Ream
Terry Mullenhour


Letter: Thanks to all who helped make Beaverdam Memorial possible

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The Breaverdam Memorial Committee would like to thank everyone who helped make our memorial and its dedication possible. The outpoouring of support from the Beaverdam-Bluffton area has  been unbelievable!

The American Legion Post 382 ceremony and the over 400 people attending made this dedication an outstanding event. Thank you again for your support.

