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Letter: Winter can be beautiful

Icon viewers:
Fred, many thanks for the beautiful New Year's Eve walk in the park that you shared through the Icon. Winter CAN be beautiful!!!
Joanne Niswander


Letter: 4th district deserves someone better

Concerning Jim Jordan's endorsement of Roy Moore for Alabama senate

Icon viewers:
In September, Jim Jordan endorsed Roy Moore for Alabama Senate with this statement:

"Roy Moore will be a much-needed conservative voice in the Senate. I know the voters of Alabama can count on him to adhere to the Constitution and always stand for the values and principles that made this nation great, and I am proud to give him my endorsement and support."


Letter: Thanks for all the post-prom raffle basket sponsors

Icon viewers:

The Bluffton High School post-prom committee would like to thank all the friends and local businesses who were raffle basket sponsors and red hot purse sponsors in our recent raffle.

The list of sponsors is attached to this story.

BHS post-prom committee


Letter: Those political signs don't belong to me!

Icon viewers:
Life in a small town.

I've been a full time Chiropractor in Bluffton, since May 19, 1975.  Small
town pace suits me, I grew up about 2 miles outside of LaFayette.

As a small town businessman, I have always tried to run my business with one
goal in mind.  Giving the best care I can to my patients, ALL patients, no
matter their age, race, gender, religious beliefs, or, POLITICAL affiliation.
None of that matters to me, or, influences my care to my patients in any


Letter: Blaze set up needs lots of volunteers

Icon viewers:

I am contacting you about the Blaze of Lights.

The committee from the last 15 years are no longer putting up the display, so it is sent back to the town.

I have been in contact with the mayor and set up dates are Saturday, Nov 11, and Nov 18, from 9 a.m. to noon.

We have a real need for help. A paper was passed at chamber and only 1 person signed up to help. If we are to continue to have the Blaze we need more help.

Groups who can help are church groups,  Boy Scouts and families or individuals.


Letter: Three candidates for Bluffton council seats state their case

Dear Bluffton Voters:

We are candidates for Bluffton Village Council. We are all former Councilmen with combined total of more than 50 years of service to the Village. Our candidacy stems from alarming events witnessed in the past several years.

Example One. Experienced, key employees were treated poorly and are no longer with the Village. The loss of these employees has put the Village at risk and tarnished the image of Bluffton.

