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Letter: Kasich's new taxes are the largest middle-class tax increase in Ohio's history

Icon viewers:

Last night, as I sat in Lima and listened to Governor John Kasich during the State of the State speech, I was amazed at how dishonest he was concerning his state budget's impact on working Ohioans.


Letter: Sign petition to save small post offices

Icon viewer:

Stop the Postmaster General and the U.S. Postal Service from closing any more small-town post offices. We believe the financial crisis in the postal service is manufactured, and Americans are suffering because of it. Americans need and want their rural post offices.

That's why I created a petition on to Postmaster General, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, which says:


Letter: Staggering stats about human sex trafficking during Super Bowl

Icon viewers:

In this article by Huffington Post blogger Eleanor Goldberg, she gives some staggering statistics about human sex trafficking during the Super Bowl.

My question is this: Who are the men who are doing the raping? If there were 10,000 women hired to be raped in 2010 and one 12 year old was forced to be raped 20-50 times in one night, that's a lot of men paying (or not) to commit rape.


Letter: Allen County rape crisis response to Steubenville Incident


Icon viewers:

Crime Victim Services (CVS) would like to respond to the incident that occurred in Steubenville by presenting information about rape and what is being done on a local level that will help keep our children safe from similar incidences that can occur. 


Letter: Thanks to all my customers

Letter of thanks to
Greg’s Pharmacy

To the residents of Bluffton and the surrounding communities, I would like to say "thank you" for you loyalty, trust and patronage.

You’re loyalty and support has been the cornerstone to the success of Greg’s Pharmacy.

There comes a time when all good things must end and this is the time for me. I have decided to sell the pharmacy. The official sale will take place on Dec. 31, 2012. 


Merry Christmas Santa, from Kelsey Michelle Kinn

Santa shared Kelsey's letter with the Icon.  He thanks her for keeping it real.  Kelsey said:

Dear Santa,

I would like a pair of clogging shoes. NOT tap shoes!!! (from you).  

