The Icon received several letters written from youngsters at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center during the Cookie Walk on Saturday. The Center forwarded these to the Icon.
Santa kindly offered Karson's letter to the Icon. Karson said:
Dear Santa,
How was your summer? Ho Ho Ho! I've been very good this year. Here are some things I want for Christmas, an air hogs fly crane, a tablet and a new webkins guinea pig.
Icon viewers:
I am blessed to volunteer with the Community Assistance Program occasionally and especially during adopt a family. The year 56 families/individuals were adopted. What is special about adopt a family? Each month they come and get about five items and pick out 25 to 30 items in the pantry.They know that most of it is donated, but during adopt a family someone /organization specifically takes care of a family, they make that connection, they know someone cared.
Santa shared Reagan's letter with the Icon and mentioned how he always loves when the kids draw him pictures.
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want Lego friends sets. Next I want a novi stars doll. Probably una verse. Next I want the purple password journal. I want McKenna, the American girl doll. I want some new clothes and dresses. I also want app store and itunes money. I really want a kindle. And the thing I want most is a purple microphone with sparkled designs. That is all I want for Christmas.